About JS Car Mods
So what is JS Car Mods?
JS Car Mods was launched in 2020-2021 by Just Scott. Setting out to make our own models and not have to rely on paid models, JS Car Mods was born.
After working with the community, I came across SGT Fozzy and 1Kachy, forming the Capital development team.

So, who is Capital Development?
The Trio
After starting JS Car Mods, I quickly came across Fozzy and Kachy, they have been great to have around, and I hope they continue to do so.

SGT Fozzy
Co-Founder Capital Development

Just Scott
Founder JS Car Mods
Co-Founder Capital Development

Co-Founder Capital Development

Australian Focused
Making models influenced by Australian Police and Emergency services fleets.

Detailed and High Quality
Focused on detail in order to provide a high quality experience.